A Visual spectacle.
Each frame in the movie is so well thought out, it appears sensational. The colour of the movie enhances the larger than life feel of the story. The bare muscular bodies of the Spartans gleaming in the copper light , the (Lord of the Rings like) exaggerated beastly appearance of the rhino and the elephants salivating at the sight of its prey, (grossing the entire audience out), the deep resonating/ haunting voice of Xerxes ?(the Persian ruler - height:8feet),the blood dripping from Spartan's sword like hot chocolate from the spoon gave another dimension to the colour red, the swish of swords chopping off heads, the splash of blood, create a majestic scene of absolute magnificence, the gorgeous Spartan women, erotic and sensual, bring forth the idea of the perfect man and woman that the Greek's had.
300, made on Frank Miller's graphic novel, might appear as an absolute literal representation of the graphics from the novel as if the visuals were directly picked up from the book (they actually are) and shown one after the other. The composition of each frame contains so many details that one would want to freeze the frame and want to analyze them/enjoy them. The shadow falling on the sand, the footprints on the shadow and on the sand Appear. The structures shown in the film, the light filtering through give the picture a dramatic effect, when the Spartan Queen speeks in the forum the brilliant light falling intensifies the scene. the light of the sky made the humans on Earth appear immortal, as if removing the difference in colour of the sky and the earth, as if both were one. The visual, when the cast list appeared at the end of the film, was simply superb. The mane of the horse turning into tree when zoomed in, a Spartan standing there, his robe showing something else, and it goes on....
Although made from a real incident, the larger than life imagery imagined by Frank Miller is extraordinary.
SENsational ??
hehe. didnt the dialogues seem totally corny to you?
yeah..but went with the language of the movie ;) !
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